Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Open Blog 2

I have been noticing a lot lately that it seems that for many people eating organic and being green is a fashion statement, or a way of showing off how much money they have. In my opinion I don't really care why you do it, as long as it is helping. But when the fad makes it cheaper to buy processed foods than whole foods, something is seriously wrong. So here is list of ways to be green without breaking the bank. If you just start with these little things it will big difference. Here it is:

        -Find a CHEAP bulk food or whole food store and buy your stuff there, don't feel bad that       it isn't organic.
    -Grow what you can. Guess what, if you grow it, it's organic! Just don't use chemical pesticides. These are easy to grow and can even go on a balcony: Herbs, tomatoes, small lemon tree, and peppers. I am sure there are more as well.
    -Exchange produce with friends and neighbors. This is what people do in the country where i am from. You grow one thing, have too much of it, so you trade a little bit with a friend or neighbor who grows another thing. It is a fantastically cheap way to get fresh, and usually organic produce without having to learn how to grow a million different things.
    -Farmer's market! In most places it is much cheaper and it is a great way to support your local economy. Plus they are a blast

    Being green is not just an upper class luxury. It bothers me that our society has turned it into an expensive fad. It can actually be very easy if you just know where to look and change the way you look at things. 

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